Day Zero
The afternoon before Bring Out Your Lead I headed into Nottingham to pick up some stuff from Curtis of Ramshackle Games. It turns out that Louise Sugden aka Sughammer aka Rogue Hobbies is based in the same building, and that there were a bunch of people hanging around before BOYL!
There were visitors from Australia, the Netherlands, and Tine Fieldling from Belgium, with some lovely Bosch-inspired 3D sculpts she’d done.

Day One, Game One
Due to lack of communication about the Epic participation game taking place on Saturday, I’d booked a table to run some Epic 40,000 intro games on Friday. This used a very simple ‘hold the bridges and the cathedral’ scenario inspired by the Sulphur River scenario from the Battles Book.
The morning game involved massed Khornate forces against Evil Suns and Snakebite Orks, which understandably got very messy in the middle!

Other Stuff
In the afternoon I had some time to look at what else was going on.

And some more of Tine’s sculpts, with some painting assistance from me on the walking fish, adding extra colour to the fins and some colour and tonal variation to the scales, collar, and eyes.

Game Two
In the evening I ran a second game of Epic 40,000, using the same forces as earlier, which was about as messy!

Tune in later for parts 2 and 3…