Tag: Chaos

  • Epic Megabattle 2025, This Time it’s Heresy!

    Following on from previous years, I ran another set of multiplayer Epic games instead of having a birthday party. This year we went for a Heresy-themed event, with the games set a short time after the Heresy, centring on a world where Chaos forces are trying to summon Angron. Several Chapters of Space Marines, with…

  • Epic Remastered, Fog of War Batrep

    Epic Remastered, Fog of War Batrep

    The day after Counter Attack, I headed over to see Eric, the guy behind the Epic 40,000 Compendium. He’s also the main author (with my assistance) of the Epic Remastered site, the fan rewrite of Epic 40,000. We played a 1,500 point game of Epic Remastered, using the Fog of War scenario which gives each…

  • My 50th Birthday Megabattle, Part 2

    My 50th Birthday Megabattle, Part 2

    Following on from part one… The forces of Chaos, led by Daemon Primarch Angron of the World Eaters, had advanced on the Imperial defenders’ lines in the morning. Now it was time to get serious! Turn Two With the defenders in sight, most of the Chaos forces started charging forwards… With Chaos advancing and the…

  • My 50th Birthday Megabattle, Part 1

    My 50th Birthday Megabattle, Part 1

    I don’t really celebrate my birthday, but 50 is a big deal. So I decided to go full nerd and organise an enormous multi-player game of Epic 40,000. The scenario was very loosely based on the First War for Armageddon, as Angron approached the River Styx and was ambushed by the Grey Knights. System: Epic…

  • BOYL ’22

    BOYL ’22

    The Tyranid invasion of a Daemonworld! System: Epic Remastered, aka Epic 3rd edition with some fan edits.Scenario: Custom, see notes and first photo.Game Size and Factions: A bit under 6k of Chaos versus 3.6k of recycling Tyranids versus 2.4k of Space Marines. Back in August, on short notice of a week, I set up a…