Tag: Ork

  • Epic Remastered, Fog of War Batrep

    Epic Remastered, Fog of War Batrep

    The day after Counter Attack, I headed over to see Eric, the guy behind the Epic 40,000 Compendium. He’s also the main author (with my assistance) of the Epic Remastered site, the fan rewrite of Epic 40,000. We played a 1,500 point game of Epic Remastered, using the Fog of War scenario which gives each…

  • EpicUK Counter Attack 2023

    EpicUK Counter Attack 2023

    At the end of July I travelled up to Bristol for Counter Attack, an EpicUK Epic Armageddon tournament. I took the new Gargant Mob list, with a whole bunch of Gargants and Supa Stompas. This was an unusual even format, with a 2,500 point list used for the first two games, and a 4,000 point…

  • Casual Epic at Exmouth Imperials

    Casual Epic at Exmouth Imperials

    This weekend, Exmouth Imperials club had one of their semi-regular weekend gaming days, and I headed around the Exe estuary for an informal game of Epic 3rd edition with Bradley. We decided to try an Imperial fort being attacked by a few waves of Orks. The Imperial forces were roughly: The first wave of Orks…

  • Paint Recipe: Epic Ork Infantry

    Paint Recipe: Epic Ork Infantry

    Skin:Equal parts Plaguebearer Flesh, Nazdreg Yellow, and Warp Lightning. Clothes:Nazdreg Yellow, sometimes with some Contrast Medium. Base: